City Underbelly
The City Underbelly is an animated shot built from one 2D drawing. Utilizing this process, we can create amazing animated webisodes that transport you from your desktop into other more fantastic worlds.
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Robot Comp
This Robot Composite started with just a couple of drawings, from which an entire animated world of industrious robots emerged. This shot exhibits the depth of field that can be created along with the flexibility in design that will provide television with a more cost-effective and engaging form of animation than Flash.
'ZD YouTube FLV Player' requires either a youtube video URL or FLV URL.Usage: [zdvideo]url[/zdvideo]
Heavy Metal Comp
This is a cool test of one of our web-based animation techniques. We can allow design to drive the storytelling. 2-D Images can be ornately and intricately rendered and then live in a more 3-D world.
'ZD YouTube FLV Player' requires either a youtube video URL or FLV URL.Usage: [zdvideo]url[/zdvideo]
Hellboy Comp
This is a terrific example of the design-driven animation we can produce for web-based projects. It allows for refined and nuanced graphic illustration and dynamic color, texture and posing.
'ZD YouTube FLV Player' requires either a youtube video URL or FLV URL.Usage: [zdvideo]url[/zdvideo]
The Xeno Cell
On a planet not so very different than our own, in a galaxy bursting with planets and extra-terrestrial life, a futuristic bad-ass, BOOKER, sorts the good from the bad. Unfortunately, when you’re that good at what you do, you make enemies and those enemies seek revenge (and, in this case, a sizeable helping of galactic domination). Sci-fi thrills that are gnarlier than a bag of knuckles.